Tuesday, September 13, 2005


So yesterday the time I had set aside for blogging at work was cruelly interrupted by the power going out in all of Los Angeles. I was working on the paramount lot and they have their own generators power in the office was never lost but the internet connection went down.

As I'm sure you all know by now within a couple hours power was back up and coverage of the whole incident had gone from "BIG NEWS STORY!! Could it be terrorists?!?!" to "Whoops!: World's Wackiest On-the-Job Goof-Ups!" In fact, later that night on the E! " Wackiest Job Goofs" countdown show, the LA Blackout ranked #6, right in between George Bush Sr. Vomiting on the Japanese Prime Minister and the tape of that park ranger trying to fuck a moose.

So that's why no blogging yesterday. Sorry.

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